Although I would love the West Stand to remain as it is, there seems to be a growing pressure for it to be redeveloped… After completing my masters in architecture I have had a little spare time and decided to put together an initial idea for the West Stand. Any feedback is welcomed!
As my flat mate did an architecture degree and I know this was the bit she loved the most can you describe the concept complete with mood boards please?
Fair play mate, that looks quality and good to see you have incorporated a feel of the old West stand into it without making it look like a totally brand new one ( if that makes sense)
I like how it looks from pitchside apart from the bit connecting the ponte (corner). I would also like the teams to come out of the tunnel so that could be adjusted. Whenever the do the West stand, i would like them to keep a few aspects of tradition (not the bogs!); i think you have incorporated that tradition/history very well. Good luckin your career.
Not bad st all but tbh I think the managers area etc should be incorporated as part of the stand rather than stand alone dugouts bit like at Man Utd’s . Maybe a bigger and comfortable disabled area , press area and exec boxes .
I'd like it if they kept the old wooden portico somehow. Though I can see it's an ideal place for the cameras.
Looks good. Like the shape of the roof. Maybe a 3D tour next? Being open to the elements is great in summer, but I can imagine the rain and wind whistling through it during the cold winter months. Retractable roof / walls? Also, might the bar terrace get a bit crowded? Doesn’t look very wide but I could imagine it being very popular.
Would there be enough space for changing rooms etc though, unless you’re thinking a long tunnel between the west and north?
Thanks for that MATTG, looks great, onwards and upwards, C.O.Y.R, long long time overdue, but reality and fiction which one is this.
I really like it. Channels the old stand but is still a modern, distinctive design. Couple of things, though. Would it be possible to increase the height gradually towards the corner so that the roof line matches the Ponty End where they join? I like the idea of filling in the corner, but it doesn't look great where they join, and surely it must be possible to give more of an impression of a single stand sweeping round two sides of the ground. Also, is that a 5 a side pitch?
I like the concept, but don’t see the point in a new stand if the capacity is not increased. The current one, all be it old, is sufficient and serviceable as is.
I think the reality is that even if we were in the Premier League we wouldn't need a vastly increased capacity. Maybe if we were there for 10+ years we'd see a need for an increase. By doing this he's increasing our commercial capacity and non-matchday income. We could make more money from businesses and TV (that's why we upgraded the press boxes this year). I think it's a good-looking concept and matches with the ambitions of the owners (increasing match day and non-match day income). I also think that the plan retains some much-needed character and I believe it incorporates existing elements of the current structure so would be cheaper to actual implement. I like it.
Did you click on the link and read the proposal? The upper part of the stand will create more corporate boxes and spaces for businesses to use during the week. There is also a restaurant and bar.