For all the kitchen to*ssers out there lol, it's shrove Tuesday!!!. So I hope you've all had a really good one today. Three points tonight (or at least a point) would have been a great pressie for us all, but that looks rather doubtful now.
Yeah uncle Wuz lol. It's the one day of the year when we get to make comments about football, and also make ridiculous jokes about 'merchant banking'!.
Ok then Halan, now here's a personal question lol. Do you put lemon or orange or even lime juice on them, with sugar of course!.
Yeah exactly, you can't beat loads of citron/lemon lol. But aww no, I'm not a fan of extra butter or marge. And hey I've never tried the American style thing, where they put loads of honey and stuff in it!!. That just sounds weird dun't it.