Founding member of the Animals, sad to hear of his death. His arpeggio intro on “House of the Rising Sun” is probably the most instantly recognisable riff ever recorded. The Animals music was the soundtrack of my youth. “ Rock in Peace”.
RIP. Great band The Animals. It brings back memories of a school trip to Flamingo Park when I was about 8 and we went on the go-karts (pedal ones). There was music coming from a tower in the middle of the track and it was House of the Rising Sun....
Great song but it split the band. It's a traditional song with an unknown writer, apparently a record company executive suggested to Alan Price that he have "arranged by Alan Price'' added to the credits, meaning Price received huge royalties not shared with the band. Eric Burdon in particular took offence to the degree they still weren't speaking 40 years later.
It is a traditional folk/blues song. US ‘folkies’ considered the definitive version to be that of Dave van Ronk. Van Ronk was miffed when Dylan put it on his first album in 1962 claiming Dylan had stole his version. He was more miffed when the Animals had their success with their electric version. In 1964 the Four Pennies had a hit with ‘Black Girl’ which was a Leadbelly song that was based on House of theRising Sun, In the Pines and Where did you sleep Last Night. Allegedly.