Is it a simple case of the tactics simply work better away from home than at home. Maybe worth trying a different formation at home? Just a thought?
It’s a case of not waiting until we are behind which seems to happen against most teams that aren’t happy to let us play at Oakwell.
If I could be arsed I would look at our home records this century and see how many times we've lost four home matches at any level before end of September. It won't have been often. Even less if we call it five and add in the Tranmere game.
It's a case of ,whether we like it or not, we're not as good as a lot on here seem to think we are. The fact is that we've played some less good teams away from home who (fortunately for us) have just not been able to take advantage of our glaring deficiencies despite having exposed them. Those deficiencies for me are far more to do with inadequate recruitment, bordering on negligence/incompetence in areas like central defence, than anything else.