Trained last night with the team I play walking football for. A really close-knit bunch of women of all ages, abilities and backgrounds As we were warming up, a mens team was leaving the pitch adjacent. Most of them drifted away, but two or three were still there when we were playing. i was pretty close by when the words “F’cking dikes playing football” were uttered - not very quietly. A lot of other swear words thrown in. Now I know it doesn’t sound much, but we, like all the others there last night are just people who want to play football. Not that sexuality should matter - but we have a mix of people. What is relevant is that some of our players have previously suffered unimaginable abuse because of their sexuality. At least two of them have been beaten up simply for being gay. So, last night was a real shock. We thought we were past all this sh:t . I now have a couple of players who don’t want to train. I must admit, I don’t really want to have the aggro either, but I know we must go next week to stand up for our team mates. Posting this because I know there are a few on here that think this crap is amusing. Believe me it isn’t. It’s very damaging. It’s so depressing - it’s like this country is regressing every day.
I get what you're saying about regression, because the country as a whole most certainly has done (regressed) in the last few years. It's tough as well, for such as myself who predicted as much those few years ago. Not that I'm Nostradamus or anything. It was obvious. However - and I'm not condoning or excusing or anything here - it's a way better world when it comes to inclusion than it was years ago. Maybe not in this instance for you, Fiona. But generally, I think it is. I can't even picture a team of women playing football back when I was growing up. Anyone 'gay' was ridiculed. Don't even start me on race. It's got WAY better, despite the Tories, despite the bigots, despite the ill-educated amongst us. But as your post demonstrates, not enough. But we'll get there. Enjoy your training next week.
Are you sure they weren't on about how pedestrian the football was? It might have been like watching a dyke (immovable object). Joking aside did you contact anybody in authority? ( I thought public episodes of homophobia/ racism/ sexism were punishable by the death penalty). A bit of gallows humour there. Nobody deserves that 5hit doing something they love. I quit cricket because I'm a fat c n ut and when fielding or running between the wickets Greenpeace were there and I truffle shuffled. Suffering with chub rub I always went down in instalments, fielding like MFI wardrobes.
I’ve coached girls and women’s rugby for a few years . Some People automatically think they are all guy and are surprised to hear in the teams I’ve coached over the years most the players are straight and just want to play the game. to be fair none have really had any abuse. The girls /woman’s game is big in Featherstone and people have embraced it. my daughters plying in SL now (she’s straight) but shes to not heard anyone being abused for their sexuality or for playing a man’s game
One of my best friends growing up played ladies Rugby League. ( She is straight ) You're spot on. They've heard it all before. Not nice but doesn't phase them. I think the men have a lot to learn from the women. Also when sumat transpires get the view of the "victims" there and then. We're masters of being offended for other people.
I'm not sure victims needs to be in inverted commas. Regardless of whether anyone on that team is gay or not it's offensive to generalise them on those terms.
i do feel some people are overly offended. Usually the people who it doesn’t even concern. Attitudes are changing but some people are still stuck in the dark ages and will make silly comments. But I’ve never had anyone complain to me about receiving abuse about their sexuality. the thing is years ago Rugby /foootball was mostly played by lesbians. Especially rugby. We had many run ins with them as young uns in the travellers pub in Fev where the rugby womens team was run from. Been offered for a fight outside numerous times lol. At the time it was your stereotypical gay woman who played rugby, big built, flat top hair do, tattoos etc the girls / women’s game as finally shaken that stigma, but a lot of older folk still remember it and associate women playing “mens” sport with it. the 100s for girls I have coached over the years understand this and are not offended in the slightest, even if some one did call them dykes they would laugh it off. I have girls openly kissing before training, or after games etc. No one bats an eyelid round here
I got some flak on here the other week for saying there were a large minority of people who are as thick as planks. Take a look at twitter, facebook, the UKIP lot, a significant number of football fans, incidents like the one experienced by Fired. I agree with Whitey that societal norms have moved on since the 70s but our education system is still churning out a lot of people who are still unwilling or incapable of moving with them and our media also does very little to encourage people to think either. It's a worldwide and age old problem. We process kids through school to be able to pass exams rather than be better humans.
I honestly think all the homophobic abuse will thankfully eventually die out, the younger generation coming through are brought up where women’s football is the norm and racism is more publicised, What’s laughable is that Fiona as probably achieved more in her football career than the idiots making the remarks.
Thank you for the replies. I’d agree that things have improved generally and so that is why it was such a shock to go back to this. I’m not “easily offended” but I will call out things that are wrong. Apparently that makes me “woke” - one of the most inexcusable new words in the vocabulary. If something is wrong, it’s wrong. If someone is offended by something, chances are there’s something there that’s caused the offence. Anyway, it has been reported to the venue, and we await their response. We will definitely stand together next week. This afternoon I’m playing in a mixed Walking Football tournament. Hopefully it will all be ok.
What age bracket were they ? And I agree with trying to find out the organiser of the said team. Shouldn't be too difficult I imagine. Warn him you'll get the police involved. I hope the couple of players have a rethink. (Show em this thread) I'm pretty sure one or two of your ladies wouldn't have a problem confronting em (my mrs wouldn't) if they are there next time you play. In front of all the others. Most I assume wouldn't have an issue and welcome it in fact.
'Tis a pity the tw*ts ridiculing and muttering about 'Dikes' under their breath could not play the Lionesses. The inevitable humiliating defeat they would suffer at the hands of the England Euro winners might actually shut them up. Sport should be an enjoyable past time at any level and for those good enough a route to a career. Yes certain sports do need separate competitions due to the physical demands of the various sports and the physiological differences between elite female and male athletes but entertainment & skill levels on offer -certainly when it came to watching the Lionesses in the Euro finals - was a revelation. On the subject of F1 and a current article on the BBC sport website re lack of women in F1, given the physical demands of F1 re G forces etc and the fact that science highlighted that the biggest difference in strength between men and women is in the upper body, it is unlikely that women will compete in F1. Ironically endurance is not a problem in many professional physical sports women have equal if not greater endurance and stamina than men. It is about the G forces the body is subjected to over the race/season that is the barrier. The argument about the barrier being in F2 cars (a stepping stone to F2) not having power steering is a nonsense. No reason skills wise women cannot be test/development drivers, participate or even lead development programmes but when it comes to spending up to 2 hours being subjected to forces up to 5G lap after lap in 40C temperatures in the cockpit they are unlikely to be anywhere near the front of the grid. F1 is light years away from Rallying, oval races on banked tracks, Touring cars and endurance races with high Performance cars like Le Mans.
Totally unacceptable Fiona. Tell your team mates to not let these ignorant swines think its ok. i am the step dad to two amazing young woman who i am unbelievably proud of. Misogynist and sexist comments have no place in society. Stand your ground and enjoy doing what you do.