Very interesting article which looks at both sides of the argument.
Yes that's an interesting and informative article. I think it's important to try and keep a sense of perspective in these scary times. The article says that by imposing the lockdown the government hopes to keep the number of coronavirus deaths down to 20,000. Let's say that it turns out much worse than that,and the number of deaths is say 65,000. In a country of 65,000,000 that would represent 0.1% of the population ie. 99.9% of the population would either not get the virus,or get it and survive. I know it sounds harsh speaking glibly of deaths in the tens of thousands as every death is a tragedy for the family,so forgive me for that,but I'm just trying to put a sense of statisticsl perspective on the numbers we hear quoted every day. (Disclaimer - also I'm not a statistician so maybe totally wrong in my assumptions)
Yes it seems to me there are some people who are yet to take this seriously still, on the other hand there are equally people now who need to calm the chuff down and stop looking at graphs.
This article is saying exactly what a few of us have been trying to explain about the way the death toll is counted for a couple of weeks now, at the time to widespread derision. Also, finally a few are starting to comprehend the long term and lasting damage done to the economy1million applications for universal credit the last 2 weeks. BA laid off nearly 36k. And the economic implications haven’t even started. The long term health consequences of this economic collapse due to the route we’ve gone down will make the CV19 deaths look like a tiny blip in comparison