I always thought it was A as in capital A and sus as in suspicious or suspension but the current ao.com advert pronounced it like azoose with a small a and zoose as in goose or loose. I'm only just coming to terms with that fact we all pronounce IKEA wrong.
Do we though. My surname is pronounced with a hard C in the UK, but most of the rest of the world has a soft c. Am I getting it right, or are they?
I used to work for Lidl...... now the German contingent will know its supposed to be pronounced - forgive my effort.... Leedil (or summit like that) - when I I worked for em, you get slaughtered for saying it wrong. But now, to appear more British and to fit some clever advertising, they now like being pronounced Liddle! so they can offer "little surprises"!!!
Does it matter? Not really, but we should respect the views of the people who originated it. Further examples. Mumbai - Bombay Kulcatta - Calcutta Larndon - London
I don't know about Swedish but in Spanish, I is always pronounced like in PIT, E is pronounced as in PET and A is always as in FAT. Unlike in English where a vowel's sound is modified by the letters surrounding it in the word. The Swedish pronunciation of IKEA is the same as Spanish so I guess the rules are similar.
Listen at the end of this advert. They made a fairly big deal about the pronunciation a couple of years ago.
I would say addydas but it's actually neither of the ways you said. It's closer to addy-dahs or addy-dars
We had another example of this here with Lars Leese, pronounced "laser" but everyone called him "leese".