one goes onto control panel and one uploads a picture into this section</p> <form action="controlpanel.asp?action=updatephoto&type=profile" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><table class="bbstable" cellspacing="1" align="center"><tbody><tr><td class="messagecellheader2">Upload profile image:</td></tr><tr><td class="messagecellbody">Upload profile image: <input class="bbstextbox" type="file" size="25" name="photo" /></td></tr><tr><td class="messagecellfooter" align="center"><input class="bbsbutton" type="submit" /></td></tr></tbody></table></form> </p><div class="smalltext" align="center">Existing image</div><div align="center"> </div>
thanks! I'll pass on the message she's quite a handful for her parents. I love to laugh at my son and his bewilderment at her sometimes. can't wait 'til she becomes a teenager!! LOL