how scary is this

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board ARCHIVE' started by Guest, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. Gue

    Guest Guest

  2. Gue

    Guest Guest

    did anyone watch all of this, im still freaked out from it...
  3. Gue

    Guest Guest

    would not come on 4 me y what happened on this
  4. Gue

    Guest Guest

    RE: would not come on 4 me y what happened on this

    it works fine for me, anyone else seen this...
  5. Gue

    Guest Guest

    I got half way through

    Then turned off, i sensed something nasty. What happens????
  6. Gue

    Guest Guest

    RE: I got half way through

    watch the lot, nothing too extreme mate, no-one gets killed just scary and freaky
  7. Gue

    Guest Guest

    I don't like watching stuff

    that i don't understand.

    Firstly, what the f*** is it??

    Secondly, what is the name of the clip about?

    Finally, where do you get sh*t like that from?
  8. Gue

    Guest Guest

    RE: I don't like watching stuff

    you aint meant to understand, just meant to freak u out. i was sent it off a mate, im still havin nightmares...

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