Sounds familiar! Shock as Huddersfield Town stadium management firm at risk of administration (
Kirklees Council have big financial woes. 33 million pounds of budget cuts. Buildings being shut to save cash forcing staff to work from home. Job offers being pulled when already offered the position. Giving up their share of the ground is needed.
Bit of a strange one. (Not sure if you mean Barnsley btw.) Owned 40% by the football club. 40%by the council 20% by the Giants. As for our Stadium is it running at a loss. I honestly don't know. Our owners (of the club) other than James have no connections financially to the stadium assets. other than hire and running costs. As I see it. I'm sure the more enlightened will put me right on the issue. And could give more detail.
Got themselves into a huge hole by not maintaining upkeep of maintenance by looks of it. Now leaves them with less options as someone will have to foot the bill of maintenance needed. Could there be genuine future risk at Oakwell if lack of works here are true?
And some people on here think BMBC are bad, Kirklees are worse! This is spot on mate, my Mrs was under the impression they would be returning to the office, however they have now been instructed to continue working from home with no office days . My mum in law is office based and apparently they won't put the heating on, people sat in the main offices absolutely freezing and wrapped up with with winter coats on etc. Kirklees are a disgrace.
Totally unacceptable. There is absolutely nothing wrong with work from home BUT it should be a choice and not forced on someone. If they want to work in an office it should be an option or if not they should contribute to the heating bill.
I'm positive that there is a legal requirement to keep offices heated to a certain temperature (18 degrees I think). They should be reported
I was forced to work from home - though give a £1000 "pay rise" to cover the heating etc costs - in reality it was only really £600 after tax - but I do save on travel costs as I lived 15 miles away and save 1 hour travelling per day so not really complaining You are right though if people are forced to work from home they should be given some compensation
It seems to me that there's been no money invested in the ground - thats what I mean by sounds familiar - and now they are in a hole with it - also, sounds familiar - we had to shut the West Stand. I don't see how they are going to finance the improvements - unless the concerts they started putting on again can make up the cash needed. Likewise, I don't see where the investment is going to come to maintain Oakwell, and we don't have the choice of putting on concerts either.
For offices 20°c is a recommendation. Although there's no legally defined maximum or minimum temperature for working, health and safety guidance is that a reasonable temperature should usually be at least 16°C. If much of the work involves a lot of physical effort, it's 13°C. What is reasonable also depends on the working environment and type of work.8 Aug 2022
The ground was rubbish from day 1. I can't believe the plans got the go ahead. Compare it the Bolton stadium also built by Alfred McCalpine. One ground has lots of parking and one doesn't. One has the corners filled in for a better atmosphere and weather protection and one doesn't. One has a covered away end concourse and one doesn't. Shows how skint the council are to give away such a big share.