And Just because when I was in Ibiza I was jumping up and down and punching the air in the bar when we got our last gasp winner against Notts forest And Just because I couldn’t think about anything else yesterday And Just because I was pacing the house all day And Just because I was going through every possible scenario And just because I kept telling myself it’s only football and it doesn’t really matter if we’re relegated And Just because though I’m not really bothered but why the hell does Struber keep going with that formation/player And Just because for the entire game my heart was pounding out of my chest and my nerves were shredded And Just because when the ref FINALLY blew the full time whistle I screamed like a banshee And just because I was in tears watching the lads celebrate and Strubers interview And just because after the game I was parading up and down and randomly blurting out “we’ve only gone and done it” And just because when I was laid in bed last night and I was going through all the “what ifs” from ours and other teams games And just because when I woke up this morning the first thing I did was put sky sports on and reliving it all over again And just because I’ve gone through loads of social media seeing what fans of other teams are saying But yeah I’ve really no passion for this team anymore...
All that and this mornings playlist of: The Great Escape Three Little Birds I wanna be Odour Timerider Aye but I don’t care......
I truly genuinely envy you. I watched it last night having recorded it. I was pleased for the players and the coach that everything aligned for them in such a dramatic way and a very unlikely series of results all panned out for now. I've skim read through the bbs and very pleased many people are really happy. But for me... I just don't really feel anything at all. I'm not sure I would feel much different if the winning goal had been ruled offside and that sounds ridiculous and perverse. I just find it all a great shame. I don't want to feel like that. I take no satisfaction in feeling like that at all. I loved the promotion seasons of late, the Flitcroft escape was incredible. They were magical moments. And in terms of the magnitude of this achievement, i think it likely surpasses all if not most of those. But sadly, aside from feeling passing respect for the ones who put in huge amounts of effort inspite of being hamstrung and set up to fail, I just feel... moderately pleased. But well done to Struber and the players who were completely thrown in at the deep end. If anyone deserves praise, its them.
The only downer on our wonderful achievement is not yet knowing the outcome of the Wigan appeal. Bit like the feeling you get when VAR is reviewing a goal. Agree with Colin Murray ( Quest). The likely punishments for flaunting FFP and entering administration should be written in stone and imposed immediately.