I were here when this were all fields and trees. And then they built this. Like your local. Pop in for a pint in yer slippers. Nod to all t’other miserable faced regulars sitting there smelling of wee and that. Then you get all these new folk comin in with their fancy ideas and hair and being all polite and that. Not reight.
It's disgusting. It means I'm going to have to scroll through pages and pages of extra posts just to get to the good bits what I wrote!!!
It's a conspiracy.... To merge threads lol. Btw, I was so against originally, but I've seen the odd couple merged now and I'm used to it... Even I can be converted
As I voiced over at the time you'll be reading threads that have been merged and have no idea it happened with zero effect to your BBS experience. We also hardly ever merge any threads as people now self police the forum which is the best kind of community you can create.
You don't get these kinds of public service announcements on Twitter or the other place we no longer speak of...........