Well, logged on - no problems. Saw build up - no problems. Watched game (most) - mostly no problems BUT it froze and I missed last 5 mins. Tried all sorts but would not return to live view. Question - is this usual for I-follow?
Sure it was actually iFollow and not your internet connection - mine worked for the whole game without a hitch today Its not unusual for iFollow to have problems but its rare for it to freeze like you describe - I think the problem you had was at your end this time
Cheers for the reply F_R. Don't think it was Internet connection 'cos I was reading BBS comments on Tablet - unless this took priority off my laptop stream? I'll see how it goes on Tuesday.
I had the same problem all through the game, it froze every few minutes and I have a 70mb/s connection. I had to reset it at least 10 times and wait till it reconnected. Against QPR it played no problems apart from no sound! I would never subscribe if it's always having technical issues like these
Absolutely fine for me. Only annoying thing I’m finding is the volume of the just eat ads. It’ll go from the commentators discussing something fairly quietly to the advert blaring out. Coverage of the game is decent though.
I was looking forward to seeing the remaining games, but, as you say, it does not make you want to subscribe so far (had 20 mins log on delays last week).
Freezing numerous times during game. I didn't miss much. Poor game no idea what we were trying to do.
If the EFL don't want me to watch it in HD on my telly, that's their call. Just don't expect me to subscribe. We did watch it on the telly, by connecting a phone using HDMI, but the picture quality was far from perfect. Watchable, but not great. Signal was lost once, but only for a few seconds. No problems logging in.
Had an hour trying to get on. Very frustrating. Can see everything else on ifollow but not the game. Having said that, went onto the main site after the game to pay a tenner because relieved to have missed it!
Mine froze and had to reset at least 6 time's. Definitely not an Internet issue at my end...... So frustrating!
Watched it at my brother's today on his massive curved telly thingy, streamed off his phone. Have to say picture quality, camera work, etc were very good. Nice to have Bobby in the co-commentator's chair too. Not had any issues with either. I normally just watch on my Mac, using Chrome.
i watched via alternative means, coff coff spot on up to last 10 mins then a few pauses and out of sync but nothing major
Kept sticking all the time for me. Got a text about 0 0 draw when I was still showing 5 mins injury time on screen!
My sound kept going off for periods of a couple of minutes but the video was mainly fine, just a couple of short freezes.
Mine exactly same watched on iPad WiFi TV buffered didn't do it directly have to mirror through laptop next time