Been with me a couple of months. Ted, 14 year old Parson Jack Russell. Handsome old lad, but difficult. My fourth in 3 years. Sounds weird, but 2 were elderly adoptions & also my Ellie, who passed 3 years ago at 19. Ted has settled in well, Loves his walks around Wentworth, is great with other dogs, but doesn't trust humans, apart from me. We're brilliant together. & handsome? Forget about it.. I try to get inside his head, but it's impossible. **** knows what old dogs have been through?? I suspect he's an old working terrier, who outlived his use & ended up in rescue. Where I found him.. We get on great. I look at him & think he can not believe his luck. He's like a big jaw on legs, right? & was biting anyone who was trying to get close. Even gave Shenk a nip, when we brought him home.. Was definitely on death row, this one. But he's good here. Anyone who knows me, knows it's the best place. Adopt, don't buy, good people. Oldies rule.!!
Is that a 240 volt cable he's plugged into ? Not surprised he's a bit keen. Good luck with him, he's a fine boy.
I remember a three legged Jack Russell in the 70’s that used to attack cars and buses where Yews Lane met Greenwood Ave , it used to run out and bounce off the bus side then have another go , you didn’t need much imagination as to how it lost a leg
I've never insured a dog. My recent ones have been elderly rescues & nobody wants to give a policy. I like Jack Russells, had them since a boy. Not much really goes wrong with them. Apart from her annual check ups & flea/worm meds, I spent less than a grand on Ellie in 18 years..
Loved my JR, Fuzzy. She died in 2015. Was a rescue and a biter of humans that tried touching her, other than those she knew. Was a fantastic dog. Great you've found a new pal.