It’s not the nude selfies that I object to. It’s the continuous insistence of having me bending over the bed and looking back over my shoulder with my finger in my mouth that I find a bit annoying, I wish they’d let me mix it up a bit.
If you think that's weird, you would not believe what I have to send to the admin of the Seat Arosa owners club forum I'm on. I don't even drive a Seat Arosa.
I recently got engaged and the site admin asked me to send a picture of my fiancés ring, how very dare they
I don't think there's an application process as such, tbh. I think every now and then, admins step down for whatever reason, and you might then see a request for volunteers. happened a few months ago, which is when I put my hand up.
You have to stand in front of the bathroom mirror and say 'Hemsworth Tyke' 3 times. Then when you return to your keyboard, you'll find Gally installing something on your laptop.