With someone else that Will Smith could slap who would it be,mine would be Martin Lewis made a fortune out of stating the obvious,anytime he done phone in and someone rung in with debt etc ,he just can’t help,says switch to zero percent etc when he knows they be lucky to get a percentage below 30
He's definitely saved me money (hundreds) on something I doubt most people knew at the time so I think you're being a bit harsh there.
Of all all the people in this world you could have chosen and you choose someone who has helped millions of people, including myself. What might be obvious to one is a minefield to another. The amount of stuff he goes through is phenomenal. It’s not just the advice he personally offers but also the signposting to other people/places that can help
I just caught a glimpse of him on a chat show some years back. He ran up to a woman in the audience and gave her a hug. Fair dos but when he sat back down,, he said "I've made that woman's day"
And me…though to be fair he’s also a genius, he’s made a fortune out of basically been a tribute act,
I know I’m probably stating the obvious here but I’ll also add…Katie Hopkins, Donald Trump, Piers Morgan and Gemma Collins
Charles Hanson from antiques roadshow, the guy proper boils my p!ss for reasons I'm not really sure off he just does
I regularly snipe at Martin Lewis in jest for purely selfish reasons. I was doing 0% balance transfers for years before he publicised it and got everyone doing them. It resulted in balance transfer fees being introduced, which made doing them a bit less worthwhile.
sorry mate, glad he as helped you, but I have never heard him say anything to help anyone in the mire