@YTBFC iFollow have said I should receive a one time code now and to contact the club, is this the case or should I still receive weekly codes as a STH?
Sorry pal, only just got in and only just seen this. If people need help, as I've said before, please get in touch with us as soon as you can. Because there's no way I can see or help anyone on matchday just prior to kick-off. You should be getting a code sent out for each game. That you haven't, means something has gone badly wrong. Unless it's hiding in your junk/trash emails? Please email memberships@barnsleyfc.co.uk tomorrow, or call us on 01226211211 and explain your issue and one of us will try and help. Sorry again that I didn't see this at the time. I usually have a last look around 30 minutes before kick-off if I can, but the memberships email is the best way to get help, even during the game. Take care.
Hiya mate My fault for leaving it last minute. As it happens I watched via Sky but my conversation with iFollow wasn't overly helpful. They were adamant I should only get a single code rather than match by match Have spoken to Beth though and all sorted now Thanks again