Is it only me that fails to receive their ifollow code for each home game? Since the start of the season, I've had to email the very helpful team at The club have changed my email address to my work one, and even then I still don't get the email through. I've checked junk etc and changed my spam filter as well - but no joy. Even run a message trace on my work account and there's no sign of the message being sent..... Not annoying at all, but just curious to see if anyone else has the same (albeit first world) problem.
I`ve just signed in for the match tomorrow with my code and I think it`s said that I have paid £10. This is the first time it`s happened and I`ll have to wait and see if this is the case on my current account. Just think the idea of submitting your bank details when you have a code is there to catch you out if you inadvertently go wrong is a bit disingenuous. It`s a toss up whether it`s worth the leg work to try to recoup the money if I`ve gone wrong with the process. I probably will try to claim it back but begrudge the fact that I feel like they`ve made it necessary in the first place.
Pathetic isn't it mate. They just seem to want to be trying to trip people up by continually changing the payment system. Thankfully I haven't been caught out yet, but I wonder how many have. Then like you say is it worth the hassle after realising people have been caught out. Why should we be paying "zero" pounds every single game, it's completely unnecessary
I realise now that I`ve probably got it wrong (for the first time) but it just seems like a process set up to hope you fail to get it right. Hey ho.
Just email them and attach your BFC email with the code on and it will get sorted. Took me a minute and I was refunded within 2 days.
Thanks Helen - I will do. Sorry I`m going off on one and I know it`s my own mistake - I just feel that it`s all unnecessarily complicated and I`m amazed it`s taken this long for a simple lad like me to fall foul of it.
I did that last home game. emailed follow for a refund. Response.......nothing nuthin Nada nowt. It truly is the shittest of services.