Is anyone having trouble logging into iFollow, after previously having a Player HD account? It rejects my email address. I can no longer use SFOTyke. I cannot even use the "Reset Passowrd" option. All of them complain about my User ID and / or password. I wrote to the email address provided for support, but I've had no answer. Thanks, Mal
Have you read the FAQ section of the iFollow part of the new site? That should help with your issue. I'm assuming you're still in the US of A? If so, your account will have been cancelled. All overseas subscriptions were cancelled, you need to setup a new subscription with iFollow. It's a legal issue and relates to the ability of overseas subscribers now to watch live streams. Check the FAQ page, mate. Cheers.
Thanks mate. Will do. I've worked in IT for more years than I care to mention, and I didn't think to check the FAQ. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks again. I've just enrolled for the Season Pass, so looking forward to watching live coverage from San Francisco this coming season.