Given the extremity of the situation - what would you do if you were a Nurse / Doctor / etc. I've got so many friends who could step up - but that would mean leaving Barnsley General / families / etc When I heard I took a moment to think - if I were qualified to volunteer what would I do. It's going to be hell - potential threat to health and life - ptsd - mental health issues - the risks are just immense. However and without wanting to trivialise or glamorise - on the flip side It's going to be the centre of the universe for the next 12 weeks - the experience would be incredible and something to take with you for your whole career - the memories and things to tell your grandchildren - I don't think there's going to be anything like it for some time - and not least the moral sense of duty. I know if I were 20 years younger and technically qualified I'd be at the front of the queue. But at the minute - with dependants - I think it would be reckless.
I noticed on the TV the other day the workmen on site weren't wearing hard hats, glasses, gloves and were using anyone who works in construction knows we keep getting told that we will die immediately if we don't adhere to these rules...obviously different rules if it's a rush job
Although i suspect it would be a bit different for if was forces/medical Id be avoiding London like the plague...