In the backdrop of Brexit which you didnt vote for but you'll have to pick up the tab youve had your liberty restricted to protect the very same people who voted Brexit but still walk their dog and go for their paper. And the stats show your risk is miniscule. Literally confirmed by scientists 0.0000000 something. You're In your prime and everythings cancelled, festivals, pubs and restaurants closed, sporting events, foreign trave banned, your summer is looking like its stolen. And you're looking at a recession for next however many years. My son turned 20 this month, he watched his grandma, my mum pass away in October, he understands grief before any sanctimonious high horse selfish ***** comments. Old people sorry but youve had your life time to let the new generation live theirs.
We’ve a 20 year old and 23 year old at home and they’re coping just about but chomping at bit for their social lives back. It’s defo hard for the young.
I'd quite like to be 20-25 again when I was that age first time round we had a Thatcher government that decimated our coal and steel industries and it was hardly living in a land of milk and Honey. I never did a holiday abroad until my Mrs won one when I was 25 Oh and the risk from Corona isnt miniscule - its small but at the moment no one knows the long term effects - what if its like Chicken Pox and comes back again in later life for example
Im sorry, but it’s infinitesimally small. And if you’re right about the chicken pox example, is your answer to lock us up for the next 40 years - just in case it comes back. Come on, enough is enough now. Panic over. Let those who are at minimal risk live their lives.
Just 0.1% of the deaths were in the demographic under 45 with no underlying health conditions. Just 17 people in the whole of one of the worlds biggest outbreak. Again, it’s minuscule. Follow. The. Science.
But your ignoring the fact that 583 people in that age group died. Some people don’t even know they have an underlying health issue, and it’s only apparent at the autopsy. I’m not arguing it’s not far less dangerous for an 18 year as opposed to a 70 year but to say the chances of dying are minuscule when you consider all these deaths have been whilst in a global lockdown is frankly mental.
In England only 31 people under 40 with no underlying health conditions have died from COVID 19. This is from NHS England. Again around 0.1%. To put that in context weekly road deaths are around 35.
What’s mental is that anyone can have looked at this at any point in time and thought that a blanket restriction applied to all members of the population was a good idea. It’s literally the most counter productive, dangerous, retarded worldwide act of self harm in human history and the fallout of it is going to be biblically catastrophic. And yet people are so blinded by the fear drummed into them by the government and media that they still can’t see the utter insanity of these policies. I’m done arguing about it now, I know I’m going on about it and I don’t want to fall out with you in particular or anyone or anyone else on here and anyway, the damage is already done. If people can interpret those stats that I’ve shown above in any other way than that they clearly show that some elements of the population are under serious risk and some have a minimal threat then there’s nothing I’m going to be able to say to persuade them otherwise.
Bit difficult to blame the older end purely about brexit . 24/27 % of 18-24 yr olds voted leave. 500,000 approximately out of 1.9m + 40% of over 65s voted remain. I’m with you on the fact that the young uns have had their world turned upside down though. And don’t envy their future. I too voted remain (63) for my young uns. But guess what, in Barnsley an overwhelming brexit vote. In the election which brought it on Barnsley came out labour. Against those odds. Tis why I would have welcomed a new vote after more information was divulged. Blame Cameron for misreading the mood of the country at the time. And going hung ho thinking it was a foregone conclusion. The Pillock.
So what about the 18 to 25 year olds who live with parents and or grand parents over 50 which with the way things are these days is probably the majority. How will they feel if they go and "live their lives" and bring back into the house the virus and end up losing a loved one because they couldn't miss out on a few nights out
It would be ok if 18-25 year olds never mixed with anyone but themselves or if they didn’t pass it on to anyone else,but expect that would be impossible to achieve,it’s just one big mess
How many weekly road deaths would there be if almost all cars were locked up in a garage and not allowed on the roads though? (I'm not arguing about the chances of under 40s dying just that you're comparing time during a lockdown when under 40s have minimal/no contact with anyone with the virus to a normal week of road deaths).
Very true but it is an illustration that there are lots of things in life we choose to do, driving being one of them, which may result in death.
The UKs CMO has just said in his press conference that ‘the risk of infection from children is very, very low’. Will that do for you?