NASA has consulted with religious leaders in order to prepare the world for alien discovery... (If you like reading between the lines). Will it happen in the next 30 years?
You'd think if religion could solve the problem of aliens, it could also solve the problem of racism? Right?
Interesting article, if aliens do exist maybe young cryne will have to extend the spreadsheet scouting.... I think we have already had a few from Uranus. I believe that there must be other life out there, have we already encountered it? Possibly but only time will tell
I'll go for a serious answer. I think given the unimaginable vast nature of the universe its almost a statistical certainty no matter how rare life may be that some will exist somewhere else. However given the distances involved it's also fairly probable that these "islands" of life are so far apart they will never know about each other.
I think that given the minute time we have been on this earth in terms of the age of the universe, it's statistically unlikely that any advanced civilization will ever meet another before destroying itself. We may however discover artificial intelligences created by another alien race at some point.
I just think the separation of both space and time is too large. Then Ultimately if interstellar travel is even possible within any kind of realistic time frame. I get the point about civilisations destroying themselves but we only have ourselves as a frame of reference on that.
Maybe on another planet, it wasn’t hit by an asteroid and Dinosaurs are the dominant species and are playing football………..
I can see why they would ask religious leaders about their opinion on a man in the sky who nobody has ever proven exists
And a counter argument is why employ these religious leaders/experts if the Aliens don't exist? Surely to employ someone in these roles they must have an inclination or confirmation that other life forms exist.... or have they just been studying this board and put two n two together