Income protection/critical illness cover

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Journo Tyke, Nov 1, 2022.

  1. Journo Tyke

    Journo Tyke Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2005
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    Mortgage and Protection Advisor
    People's republic of Yorkshire
    Barnsley Dark
    Creating a separate thread for this as it's a different conversation to the mortgage stuff. Apologies for being so salesy and direct about it but I'm sure anyone not interested won't read anyway. I'm self-employed so have to try and drum up business! I genuinely and firmly believe in the importance of these products for many people, most especially home owners, and have cover myself.

    Anyway, my point of posting is that as well as mortgages I'm also fully qualified to carry out (FREE) reviews of people's current protection products (life insurance, critical illness cover, income protection and family income benefit) to see if they're still suitable and doing what you want them to do. I know there's a serious cost of living crisis but actually that makes income protection in particular even more important if you don't have a good sick pay policy through work.

    It doesn't have to cost a lot.

    It's alarming how few home owners have such policies in place when I come to doing remortgages or home mover mortgages.

    Any major life events such as change of relationship status (i.e. marriage, divorce), having children, change of job, major change in salary, moving house, extending the mortgage and so on can all mean you need to review your current policies (if you're one of those that does confront the risks of being a homeowner in terms of being able to stay there in difficult circumstances).

    A really brief summary for anyone unsure:

    Life insurance: Pays a lump sum on death to a designated person. Most commonly linked to the mortgage so funds are left to a survivor to pay that off if they wish and keep the home. Usually pretty cheap as risk of passing during the term is relatively small, but obviously vital as has the most severe impact

    Income protection: Can be designed to kick in once your employer sick pay (if you're lucky enough to have any) comes to an end, so that you can still receive the majority of your income for a specified period. Currently tends to be mainly home owners that take this out, but there's no reason renters shouldn't. How many months' arrears would it be before the landlord gets you out, if say you're off on long term sick on £99.35/week SSP.

    Critical illness cover: Covers dozens of conditions, the most well known/common being cancers, heart attacks, strokes. Pays out a lump sum (whatever you choose to insure for) that can be used to either pay the mortgage off if you insure high enough, pay for care, rehabilitation, private care, maintaining lifestyle, covering partner's wage for a while who may have to look after you, and so on.

    Again, anyone that would like to know more, ask any questions or whatever either post below or of course DM me if it's personal.


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