I'm sure the influence of the Masons' isn't as it once was. Eff knows how this organization still operates, in London, South Yorkshire or wherever .. From today's Guardian Two Freemasons' lodges operating secretly at Westminster "Two Freemasons’ lodges set up for members of parliament and political journalists are continuing to operate secretly at Westminster, the Guardian has learned. New Welcome Lodge, which recruits MPs, peers and parliamentary staff, and Gallery Lodge, established for members of the political press corps known as the lobby, both remain active, according to Freemasonry records. A third lodge called the Alfred Robbins Lodge, which was also set up for journalists, also continues to meet regularly in London." https://amp.theguardian.com/politic...er?CMP=share_btn_tw&__twitter_impression=true Integrity or influence? Inside the world of modern Freemasons The secret society is still pretty secret, and recent claims have reawakened long-held suspicions over its influence in public life https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news...e-peering-into-the-world-of-modern-freemasons
My cousin's husband was a highly ranked member. Probably still is. Many, many years ago she had her heart set on a particular house that was for sale only to discover it had been recently sold stc. Her husband promptly told her the agent was a member of the lodge and he could easily get the sale scuppered. From that moment on I decided the freemasons were nothing I could ever condone or get involved with.
I met quite a few people during my business career, who I thought could be Masons by virtue of a similar handshake they gave when you met up with them i.e they would press their thumb on the back of my hand between the thumb and finger of my right hand and look directly at me to see if I reacted ,which indicated to me that the recipient of the handshake must have to give some signal back to indicate that they too were " on the circle." A colleague was put on a disciplinary for a lack of judgement that caused the business to lose quite an amount of money. In normal circumstances according to some of the colleagues who had been there a few years, the Director would have had no hesitation in terminating the person responsibles employment, but the colleague was extremely confident he would get off with a warning. He attended the disciplinary with his Union rep and after shaking hands with the Director sat opposite to hear his fate. As he had predicted, he got the Mother of all telling offs and told in no uncertain terms that if he did it again he would be out on his ear. A couple of years later, he was unfortunately diagnosed with Cancer and passed away. At his funeral, his widow confided in one of our colleagues that he had been a Mason and unaware of her husbands disciplinary two years previously let it slip that he had been in the same Lodge as our Director.!!
Thirty years ago I used to work in a business where all the older directors were freemasons. One was also a magistrate and whilst I do not know of any impropriety whatsoever I always wondered about any conflict of interest.
There's 2 Masonic Halls in Barnsley with at least 7 Lodges between them. A Masonic Hall at Penistone and at Swinton/Mexborough, with 2 Lodges each Exactly .. they arent not known for being bent ..
Of course there’s conflict of interest as they ‘look after their own’ They may raise charitable funds but is this really a case of collective altruism or something that helps to justify their existence?
Indeed but over the years I’m pretty certain there’s been a number of backhanders and jobs for the boys offers being carried out. The Freemasons nationally have been at the forefront of establishment wrongdoings for 100s of Years. It’s a part of the system that’s as corrupt as pretty much anything, and definitely not set up to be fundamentally charitable.