Just for a change of music thread how about Songs/ Artists ya really hate with a vengeance.. My No1 is....... Brown girl in the ring Artist........Daniel O.Donnell these spring straight to mind...there's probably others
Don't hate anything, if I don't like it I don't listen to it. Can we change this to things we love: I fc*king love this
Detest wishy washsey arsey farsy pop music. Love owt that shakes your fillings loose, but that's just me. each to their own. Video below 18+
I'm kind of with Jay on this, so instead of hate I'm going for songs I just don't get. Return of the Mack by Mark Morrison (I had to Google to find his name). I have no idea who Mack is, where he's returned from, or why. And to be honest, I couldn't care less. I was unlucky enough to suffer this one in the supermarket this week and it felt like it went on forever. Frankly, I wish Mack had stayed away.
Love that. Absolutely love it. "This seemed like ****, but going to give it another go." It's probably going to be **** the second time, but you live with it. One of my top 10 songs of all time is I Heard You Call My Name by The Velvet Underground. If I ever play that for anyone they want to punch me in the face. But I always think, "That's OK", you don't like it, I do. And we still get pissed, because you don't hate the stuff other people like. It's just not your thing, and you find out where you do connect.
That is good. Can we change it to a "stuff you like but other people might not have heard" thread? I'll go with Goals in Slow Motion by Future of the Left, seems appropriate for a loony liberal on a football forum...
Now we're talking, now we've got a good thread going. More of the above. Some of us might find something that changes our whole lives. And the worst that can happen is that we don't like it that much and don't listen to it again. And act like adults. Thank you, that was cool.
And as we're doing magic, this has to be in there. I know everyone knows it, but you know it because it is real magic. It transcends us. It's magic.
Hahahahaha just thowt for a change cos we do a fair bit of brilliant songs and little heard classics but I'm willing to play along with a fabulous cover version....Sisters of Mercy doing Hot Chocolate's Emma....stunning
No room for hate at the moment. I'm feeling wistful about a year gone without sitting in the garden of a club at 11am on a Sunday morning, arms around my mates, sun on my face. A time and place when nothing else in the world matters.