Went into Liquidation Coke heads don't spend money at the bar, it's been taken over now. Read todays Chron, there's a story about the plans.
Chronicle-less S'app'nin then ? Is it shut then until redevelopement ? Who's got it now ? I'm asking a lot of questions aren't I ?
RE: Chronicle-less Ground floor shops will go to make way for dining facilities if plans are accepted. wot wot wot wot wot wot
RE: Chronicle-less This is what will happen Council will reject plans for dining facilities on the grounds that there are too many licenced premises in the town centre. In a few months plans will be resubmitted to have another bar (without any restaurant facilities) and these will be approved. It seems to be what usually happens in town anyway!
RE: It's Whoever it is, theres definitely something dodgy going on, cartel or summat. They blocked Wetherspoons getting the old Halifax building on Market Hill saying that there were too many bars in the town centre and more diversity was required to offer something different (I think a pub in the town centre serving real ale might provide something different!) and yet then allowed another application a few months later to make yet another "bottle bar", great diversity there then! I've seen numerous articles in the Chronicle of restaurant applications turned down on the grounds of too many licensed premises, only for the same location to later turn into a pub! p.s. You've been out of the UK too long! http://www.barnsley.gov.uk/service/licensing/policystatement.asp
No Your old man is a magistrate - read the link I posted. I'm saying that the licensing policy in Barnsley is a complete and utter sham.
Aint got that much time But the same thing happens over here! It may well be that some 'people' already are in possesion of licenses and just transfer them. Here in Gjøvik licenses are transferable from one building to another, as long as they keep to the same 'gimmick'! Probably the same in Barnsley?
It's still open. Chris Palmer (Heaven and Hell) bought it, lock, stock and barrel, in good running order from John Whitworth. I haven't been in since I decided it mang. Shame it hasn't gone to someone with some class, it's a great building.
Don't give up re Weatherspoons mate. As far as I know they've got the back of the old Curry's building with a view to knocking through from the Orchard.
Sadly......... .....that's no longer the case mate. Our mutual friend was on the licensing board but it's been dissolved and gone to the council. Good news if you want to see lots of bars in town. Not that I'm suggesting our councillors are bendable of course.
RE: Don't give up re Weatherspoons mate. They've had the old Orchard for a while now - although from what I've heard it's going to be a Lloyds No 1 rather than an ordinary Weatherspoons, and the Lloyds don't always sell real ale.
It is a cracking building and pub - now if they got some real ale in! Though I always think the Chennell's (with the length of that bar) would be a pub I'd like to get my hands on