We are a bunch of kids. Gonna be spells like this. Need a big target man in the window, so when we are playing badly we have a chance of nicking something from a set piece. Looking at us we are an easy team to set up against.
The squad are low on confidence and we have no experience or leaders to pull us out of this slump. It's as simple as that really. Having no real squad depth doesn't help either. One thing is for sure, this squad with Roberts and Scowen would fare better, and that could be the difference between staying up and going down. Unless this take over happens and we can bolster the squad in January.
We have a poor inexperienced team that isn’t currently good enough for this league. It’s about time people accepted this and what a tremendous achievement it is to be outside the bottom 3 but that it’s unlikely to stay like that.
The amount of changes we are making from game to game doesn't help. I think the size of the squad is making Hecky tinker too much. If he doesn't know his best XI now, god help us.