So fans will support the new super league, or they won't? Why shouldn't market forces just decide it? Aren't our owners in it for business reasons? What's the difference?
To be fair neither are the ‘big 6’. As much as I disagree with what they’re doing they didn’t intend to leave the premier league. They wanted to play both and **** the champions league off.
NO! It's about tradition and community and belonging and love and connection and history and future and memories and family and passion and respect and hope and regret and banter and friends and disappointment and suprise and loyalty and everything that money can't buy.
It was made a buisness . Sport started out as an activity then became multi spectator and grounds were erected as safety etc . It’s a buisness with the consent of the populace and protected by rules . When the sporting integrity is being bypassed solely for greed when rewards for some are already more than very generous feels to fans like a heist .
No. Businesses aren’t run at perpetual losses and we would all be supporting a successful business like Man City. I think what they are suggesting is fine but it would skew the league even more than it is now so they can’t remain in it. Probably the best thing to separate.
That's not important. It's a sport. Whether greedy owners see it as a business or not doesn't alter the fact it's a sport.
Football is the only vice and outlet for many with hard lifes. I really worry for the deprived áreas of Manchester, Liverpool and London if that vice is essentially ruined.
Maybe so. But two things flow from that. First, some bank somewhere must have decided they are good for that debt. Second, they wouldn't be doing it if they didn't think the buy-in from fans watching live and on TV would sustain it. Weren't similar concerns raised about the Premier League?
They can **** the champions league off, but how can they have a say in the success of the rest of the teams who are trying to qualify for Europe? They’ll be playing teams trying to qualify while they themselves don’t have to, so in theory, they could try really hard against teams they hate, and have a nice pleasant afternoon out against the teams they like. With no consequences for themselves.