I recently put a post on about not renewing my season ticket and after yesterday's performance and strubers commments I think I can justify why.... I have been watching BFC FOR OVER 40 years and seen the good bad and mediocore teams but the last 3 plus years have been the worst including the board and owners,.. Gone are the days when you go and watch interesting and exiting games with wingers and proper centre forwards, gone are the days when you get exited to be getting exiting players I. E... Higgnet, ward, hourianne, vaz te, to name but a few those days have gone now its foreigner's that are up and coming players or we okay every player we got in a unnatural position game after game, I never look forward to transfer window unlike years ago that was one of best parts of season now its fear as who we gonna get.... Tbh I fear for this great club and I don't no if it will ever be the same.