Feel for the lad. Wasted talent! The boy needs to play but didn’t even make the bench last night... So many players move on here with big hopes and expectations, and their careers take a step back rather than forwards. Hammill a prime example who went full circle. Recent moves Bree, Scowen, Roberts, Bree, Bradshaw and Winnall not currently getting game time. Arguably Scowen and Roberts did until recently but seem to be out of favour. Watkins moved to Norwich backfired but now getting game time after Bristol move. All very influential players and leaders on the pitch who I would take back in a heartbeat. Sadly we have lots of young potential talent but few leaders and match winners (consistently at least).
I don’t blame the lad for going to Villa, at the time he signed it was only him & Hutton battling for the right back spot & I’m sure he believed he could make that spot his own. It’s hardly his fault that Bruce then signed his old mate El Mohammady a few months later from Hull