Probably biggest game so far in this World Cup. Probably best result for Ireland the game going ahead unless Japan wins. But if the game was cancelled japan would have finished top of group. Would be good to see both home nations going through
I presume no malice was intended but perhaps consider changing the thread title to one which doesn't include the use of offensive ethnic slurs.
Well on that First Half it’s hard to see any way back for Scotland. Japan are playing some stunning Rugby and Scotland being blown away. Only hope for Scotland is if Japan freeze second had but that doesn’t look likely
Useless Jocks. Japs tearing them a new one. Huge uphill struggle now. Only need Cyprus to humble us at Hampden later today. This weekend could turn out to be a thoroughly miserable one.
Scotland are throwing it away with basic rugby....if you're playing a team that can run, handle and retain possession ffs don't kick the ball back to them . The blonde haired Scots winger wants taking off....unless he learns to watch his opposite man and not drift infield to tackle centres Japan will score a bagful on his side.
Pathetic response. But it seems it's ok to use the term "Japs" because one Scottish bloke isn't offended by the term "jocks". I'll leave you all to it as admin don't seem to mind either. Enjoy the rugby.
Is it mate. Just goes to show what little interest I have in Scotland these days. Lost all interest years ago.
Scotland get battered every where they go, Scotland get battered every where they goooo... every where they gooooo
I've been practising looking miserable for going out and about in Glasgow later. It's not working. Think I'd better stay in for my own safety.