Love Andrew Neil. He doesn't let politicians ******** and makes them answer his question. He beasted Nicola yesterday and will do the same to the others as well. But I enjoy watching Corbyn squirm.
I wish other interviewers would blow his assertion apart that only the "rich" will pay more. Its complete bullsh1te and everyone needs to understand that. AN just gave a perfect example of a retired person on 14k including 2k coming from dividends paying £400 a year more. They are lying and need to be pulled up on it. Whether the case is made for the extra tax everyone pays being good and necessary is irrelevant. The assertion that only the rich will pay is complete crap and a total lie. I wish he'd had another half an hour to give him a going over because there are so many areas he didn't have time to cover.
Yep, the country's doing so well atm isn't it? Let's vote for the same old tw*ts who are happy to see 4 million children living in poverty, food bank use continuing to rise, rough sleepers on the increase, private landlords screwing extortionate rents for slum houses etc etc etc. Why would we want to change that? The selfish, the greedy and the ill informed vote Tory...
Exactly. I earn just over 20k. I don't mind paying a bit more tax to help stamp out those things you mentioned above. The I'm Alright Jack attitude from people is scary.
It's not a question about "I'm alright Jack". Maybe people are happy to pay more tax. The question is about Labour's dishonesty on the subject. They are saying at every opportunity that only the richest 5% will pay more. They are lying.
People like Philip Green and Lord Harmsworth (owner of the Daily Mail) acquire their wealth in the UK but have 'non-dom' status. Harmsworth whose great grand father founded the Mail and funded the British Fascist Party in the thirties, lives in UK, a massive pad in Holland Park and a mansion in Wiltshire. I'm a 71 yo with a company and state pension, why do I pay more tax than those two playboys.
I operate as a limited company. I expect, despite earning well under 80k to pay more tax. My family has a congenital heart problem though. Won't be voting for a Boris Johnson Tory government, that will make my nephews & nieces's uninsurable under the deal they will rack up with that racist from the USA. Good luck to everyone who does. I only have one vote & I will use it as I think fit.
Because they are non-dom - the wealthy don't pay tax. It is disengenuous to state that these people will pay more tax under a different government, they will just fk off somewhere else.
You only say that because you heard it in the news you cannot possibly know . These policies are costed and it’s investment into our infrastructure instead of going into the bank accounts of the already stinking rich . These same accusations were meted out to Atlee and his party . And they went on to create the NHS nationalise the railways, coal mines which were being run into the ground by owners who wanted only to take money out and not invest ( sounds familiar). It can be done and they also said the rich would run away to America but they didn’t because despite what they threatened the policies of the Labour Party brought prosperity and these was still money for them to stuff their mouths .
But Comrade says you wont pay any more tax if you earn under £80k (except more corporation tax, dividend tax and if you're married)
Really admire your honourable stance, but I work hard for the money I earn, so I've no desire to support increased benefit hand outs which results in to large jobless families buying bigger TV's and rough sleepers buying more booze.
I can't possibly know? It's there in the manifesto. Andrew Neil gave a perfect example of an old granny with an income of 14k inc 2 grands worth of income from dividends on carefully accrued shares over the years, paying £400 quid more tax on the dividends. Not stinking rich.
At least the large jobless family and the homeless are spending every penny they have every week in the local community supporting local businesses and shops whilst the rich don’t pay tax and contribute **** all to local communities, unless it’s the Caymen Islands