I watched the last episode of 'Time' last night, then an interview with Jimmy McGovern. In the interview he was talking about his childhood and he said something which made me sit up and say to the wife 'It's just struck me that was me'. He said "I didn't realise we were poor until I passed the 11+". I grew up in a 2up/2down on the 'Barebones', went to Agnes Road infants and had a happy childhood. I was lucky enough to pass the 11+ and go to Holgate Grammar. I remember on the first day there were so many kids who were from 'well to do' parents with whom I'd never associated with previously as all my friends went to Racecommon Road secondary modern. The other thing that I confess embarrassed me was that only me and one other kid on that first day had a canvas satchel, the other 150 kids had leather ones. I'd not thought about that for 60+ years until I watched the Jimmy McGovern interview last night.
I felt the same when I went to Holgate. My dad thought leather satchels were not worth the expense so he bought me this pale blue cardboard carry case which must have cost him about ten bob. I used to get the mickey taken for weeks till it all settled down. One or two other suitcases appeared in later months so I may have inadvertently set a new fashion trend.
My Dad passed his 11+ and "got sent to Ecclesfield Grammar" which didn't sit well with his mother - my Gran - because she had to buy him a new uniform and couldn't utilise the hand me downs from his brothers. Suffice to say he didn't fit in and left at 15.
I knew we were poor before my 11,+ it just happened most people around us were . We’re we happy or did we just get on with it ? As James sang , “ If I hadn’t seen such riches I could cope with being poor “ Many failed the 11 plus because they were poor.it is a proven fact nowadays the malnourished kids havnt got the attention span etc . Many I knew went to school without breakfast and missed lessons especially PE because they were embarrassed they hadn’t the kits etc even though at that time it was basic nickers and vest .
I know of parents who had ‘ bright kids’ in Junior school being worried about how they would be able to afford the School uniform if they passed their 11+ exam. The Secondary Modern schools at that time didn’t have a dress code
I would agree that on some things he's done he's been under par. But in 'Time' and the series in which he played a Catholic priest, his acting was first rate. As was Stephen Graham in 'Time'.
Ok - let’s have your opinion on who is a good actor then. What kind of stuff would you enjoy on the telly, or maybe at the theatre? Just interested, no criticism levelled at you.
Never been a fan of Sean Bean. The roles he plays are about as far away from what I find enjoyable as it's possible to get. I can't think of anything I'd like to watch less than Sharpe, other than Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones which make me physically gip, and he's in those too! This is brilliant though: Then I saw him play a transvestite in a TV drama and he was just fantastic. Impeccable. He's a brilliant actor, he just tends to play roles that don't appeal to me.