Reading this thread and the one "John Peachy are you around" is there something wrong with John, I would hope not as he is one I look up to as a very good and genuine poster
He posted on Friday sounding very upset and fragile about being unable to access financial support for his small business. Posted once more on Saturday morning and hasn't been seen since. Fingers crossed that he's ok, he didn't sound in a good place.
Hi, I'm still here. My phone ceased working on Saturday, just as I was having a real bad time. (Charger socket has packed in). A friend has managed to get one to me as a standby. I'm not doing great, but still trying to get some government help. I'm in the process of contacting Turn2us to get a second opinion, as my conversations with the HMRC helpline have been a joke. They are a lot quicker taking your taxes. I've also got Corporation Tax to pay in September. There has been no announcement on stopping that. Even getting a warehouse / driving job won't cover the overheads of all this. We're likely not to be working for 8-12 months. I don't know any business could ride that out. My DJ business turns over just under the VAT threshold of £85k & I only manage to make about an average living on that (based on govt statistics about £25k pa). 8 -12 months with no turnover doesn't take a genius to do the maths, even with everything cut to the bone. Shat on & angry & also feeling utterly useless. I lost my home in the early 2000's when my record shop closed, like 90% did that were in music retail (obviously a lot had started up again in recent years, but I know Vinyl Underground in Barnsley have shut). The nightmares come back every night of that. I lived in a house with no heating or hot water whilst I built this business up for 18 months. Can't cope with that again. It ended a long relationship with my girlfriend too & I've been single ever since, as DJing & having a relationship is not easy, as I found out, arriving home a 5am & doing 15 hour days consecutively as I needed to do at the time. Daft things I'd started to take it a bit easier in the last year. Ah well. There are bigger horror stories than mine & all the poor folks dying & losing loved ones. Anyway, thanks again for the concern, I'm not a giver up, but I'm not the man I used to be & it is a struggle. I'm getting out walking 2 dogs I walk for a key worker 4 days a week & they give me a lift. Got that to look forward to this afternoon. All the best, JP
Just to set minds at rest. @John Peachy has replied to a PM this morning. Without going into details, the lads had a rough weekend, but he's alive and kicking. Currently exploring options re: govt support, and looking at possible job opportunities. Thanks to BBS members for their support.
Thanks for letting us know your still soldiering on. Sounds like you've had it really rough over the years but you've always got through them and you will do with this one. I know this isn't the best of times but my bit of advice would be to try and find a girlfriend. Sharing your worries with someone definitely helps. Keep up the fight JP and take comfort in the high esteem with which you are held on here which I'm sure translates into your business life. On the bright side things in other countries seem to be relaxing so it won't be long before we follow suit. Chin up pal, we're all here for you.
All the best to you mate. I hope you get sorted soon. I think the government have got it seriously wrong with regard to self-employed people.
Glad you ve updated us @John Peachy , we were starting to worry. Phones always break/out of charge at the most inopportune moments. When we can gather in groups though , there will be a lot of parties and social events surely? I suppose it's finding what you can do for money in the meantime though. Definitely keep on at HMRC , it will all be new for them too so you might not be getting the definitive answer yet. I don’t know what social media you are on but there will be other people in the same situation as you have said and a group of like minded people could offer avenues you've not yet explored. Take care
Dunno what to say mate except I feel for you. It's a disgrace what's happening to your business and completely unjust. I imagine there are a lot of people in this position and that hopefully the government cannot ignore your plight.
Really feel for you and its obvious you are not going to be the only one in this awful situation. All I can think to say is if things get really bad don't be afraid to reach out for help. The government may have let you down but there are good people who won't. Not least of all on here, we have seen the power of the bbs before. Take care and stay safe.
I'd be glad to lend JP my wife for a few weeks. If JP thinks he is feeling down then a few minutes with my wife would make him feel that his life is hunky dory. Some women know how to milk the self pity card. Whatever is wrong now with JP my wife will have gone through it ten fold !! Anyway JP, I know you won't take up this offer but take care and keep posting.
Good to hear from you mate. And by the way, that lockdown mix you posted on Mixcloud absolutely rocks. Great tunes, put together in a really fresh and original way. I only put it on on Saturday morning when I had a hangover, but will try and give it a whirl soon when I'm in the process of consuming a few beers, rather than nursing the after- effects!
I don't pay via PAYE, you need to do that to furlough, mine is done on my tax return. TBH I've always left this stuff to my accountant to sort out. Until 4 years ago I was a sole trader, but I wanted to ive some shares for two lads that worked from me from day one & it made it easier to pass the business on to them in future, if 'owt were to happen to me a DJ business would have been no good to my brother, my next of kin, who's a successful businessman in programming / EDI type stuff.