Chuff me sideways. Along side my Astra it looked a picture. It's a Mercedes GTS AMG if you're interested ... which I'm not... obviously.
Lovely motor!! Mind you don't think he would get very far up here without grounding it every 2 minutes on the speed bumps!
It was a SHE. She's only had it a short time, apparently rang her husband to tell him she'd bought it ... as you do. (Best part of a hundred grand)
Like I say its a lovely looking motor, and I'd love to borrow one but 100k for a left hand drive! Seriously though I just don't see the point in paying that for a motor that you could only get the best out of on a track day, couldn't use effectively power wise and would be ruined by the pot holes and speed humps.
Where would I get my speakers & lighting rig in that? ******. This will drive over that piece of ****.