Off to Flamborough tomorrow. 7 days of staggering along t’cliffs, drinking beer and shouting at the sea.
Hasn't affected me as I only put £20 in anyway... But that sounds great, could do with a bit of that at the moment! Enjoy.
Just filled up and for the first time broke the £150 level. i remember going to Spain for a week for less.
electric car can't come quick enough. no doubt the ev tariff will have either been scrapped or tripled like, by the time it arrives!
Well just topped up the battery from 58% to full last night for a 2 day trip over to Cheshire today. That 40% or so of the battery capacity cost me £1.45, same as it has for the last 2 years It will be a big shock though when my fix comes to an end in August. The cheap rate overnight is going up to 7.5p per kwh at current prices. 50 bloody percent increase!. That would push the cost of an overnight charge to over 2 quid!
I’ve worked it out around 2.5p/mile. Compared to 20p a mile I’m currently paying in diesel. Will make a huge difference.
That was my wife’s Range Rover and tonight I filled mine up with over £100. £250 in a day on petrol. I’ll be staying in the weekend.
I've had an EV for 18 months and haven't spend £250 in total yet. I know that the initial cost of them is higher than a petrol and the options on the 2nd hand market are limited still, but for those in the market for new or nearly new as their next car swap, it is worth doing the sums on the total cost of ownership not just looking at the headline price, because you may be surprised. A saving of a couple of hundred quid a month in fuel alone takes a big chunk out of a loan, lease or PCP payment. I can see the current price of fuel putting a rocket up the arse of EV sales. We are probably reaching the tipping point soon.