I could do a long running series on these old programme snippets. We'll see as I go on with cataloguing my collection but I can't resist reading bits in some of the old ones. Manager Johnny Steele's notes ahead of our FA Cup Third Round tie are interesting and, as I said above, nothing changes. Here is an extract, first mentioning a Leicester star who would become a hero for us later: "There is no doubt that a very close watch will have to be kept on Leicester's potential match-winner Allan Clarke, signed from Fulham for a British record fee of £150,000 in June. However, we have two potential match-winners of our own in Eric Winstanley and new signing Eddie Loyden. I was pleased with the way Eddie settled in on his Boxing Day debut against old club Shrewsbury". (Here's the interesting bit.....) "He added dash and aggression which has long been lacking amongst the forwards and we look to him to score many goals for the Reds". Hmmm, big centre forward comes in and......instant hit with the fans! And so it goes on
PS. Over 25,000 turned up for this match and it ended in a 1-1 draw with Johnny Evans scoring our goal. The atmosphere was electric and they were lucky to take us back to Filbert Street for a replay
The replay was lost 2-1 with that man Loyden getting our goal from the spot. Over 31,000 packed into the old ground. The FA Cup was special in those days. All the stars were playing. Leicester had one or two as well - Peter Shilton in goal for example.
I was only at the home game and I don’t remember if that sliding gate on the Kop was locked that day. Probably was I suppose.
Andy lockhead scored for Leicester if I'm not mistaken ...actually the score line should have been 3 -1at Filbert street ... not sure if it was Clarke or lockhead who hit the ball but the ball hit the back stantion on the goals and came back out as fast as it went in...the referee thought it had been cleared off the line...but hand on heart I and many others saw it cross the line.... Overall it was a good game but class told in the end
I suppose if you compared him to predecessors in the number nine shirt like John Briscoe he was a big strong lad. Can’t remember him showing aggression though