Saturdays ref. From Bournemouth but supports Luton. Family supports Bournemouth. His record is solid for Bournemouth with 8 games and 8 wins. Not great when Bournemouth need us to slip up. he was ref earlier in the season when they beat us 4 nil, I can’t remember if he was any good that night. he also reffed the Derby match in which he allowed their players to climb all over Dike all match and failed to send off their Polish lad for constantly diving. I think the refs in the last few games have been decent but not expecting great things from this lad.
I didn't think that refs could referee teams from their home town. Those are amazing stats as well. Just shows that the refs aren't always unbiased like they should be
Suffice to say that he did us no favours what so ever against Bornamuff and I’m not expecting any come Saturday either. Interesting stats, makes you wonder if anyone in authority look a such things and if so actually take action in light of them (at some point)
He hates Dike,let him get assaulted didn’t he book him for diving too,but never booked Derby player who was like Tom Daley
It's very suspect that he's not been taken off Bournemouth games with that being the case. There was a ref a few years ago, who was taken off a Palace game, 45 minutes prior to kick off, as he'd played for them in an under 16s game, about 20 years prior.
Everyone should watch Inside No. 9 Series 5 Episode 1 ...." The referee's a wan*er " ...... a brilliant programme and ties in to this thread.
It was posted in another thread a few days ago about Warnock moaning over a major incident the last time he reffed them. Hope it’s not a case of he owes Warnock one. I think we know we will have a player booked for a nothing/ debatable challenge early in the game and one of their players will come off at the end wondering how the hell his name’s not in the ref’s book. I expect the ref to be crap, anything above that will be a bonus I suppose
Well we’ve had this discussion many times on here. I will always maintain that if a player gets more leeway/ more leniency because he has a reputation of being a hard man, or he is a bigger name playing for a bigger club. Then the ref is cheating by not applying the laws fairly and equally. This is just one example that has and does happen.
David Webb, Sunerlan like season ticket holder in his formative years reffed us against Brizzle when we were neck and neck wit mackems. Dint send last man off when ar striker w clean through after 5 minutes an wi ended up drawin. Shunt bi allowed
Of course they are. They're in the "football bubble" and are subject to all the usual prejudices. And if your team is one of the "unfashionables" you will get treated as such.
Someone did promise to start a 'this ref is $hit' thread before the next match had even started. Cheers, whoever it was
Waiting for the ‘we commit more or as guilty of any team for Shithousery tactics etc. type thread, Oh wait a minute, we already did and who was that