Just what is it with the odious thugs vendetta against Liverpool. He should be banned from the media. Several people Like Ron Atkinson for example were sunk without trace for one racist or sexist remark yet he keeps coming back like the T*rd that won't flush. Still one thing he has united Liverpool and Everton fans in their hatred of the poisonous rag http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/39603942
Timing no great surprise, though, from that odious lovely person. Hilarious how The Sun have suspended him for an article they proof-read and printed. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The odious scumbag was mentioned in the last Popbitch. Apparently he was plugging his new website in his column recently as he is getting divorced and was facing the sack anyway. Hopefully it will sink without trace and he will lose his job.
I don't know how he has a job in The Sun after what happened but what he said wasn't racist, who even knew Barkley was part-black?
Quite right. However, more to the point, I'm up at this time coz I'm working, what's your excuse. You just got in from a Good Good Friday neet art?
Scumbag. There were articles in the national press about Barkley having the choice of playing for England or Nigeria due to heritage span absolute bag of ***** to deny knowledge of it.