Finest educational establishment of its time, not! Some proper Oxford University contenders attended Kendray Oaks....only no one actually managed to progress there!! All that was achieved was a regular set to with the 'bank enders'. Not for for me tho, i was just an Ardsley 'poof' and not hard enough! #shitoil
Well I was the last of our family to go to the Oaks before it closed. All of my family on my Dad's side went and left to go straight into work untill retirement or are still working. I'd say it did us good.
It's claim to fame was it was the worst school in the borough! I remember all the teachers were ***** apart from Mrs L Birkby. Only one that wouldn't put up with crap from the kids. Hence, she got the respect of the kids who knew they couldn't get away with it.
Ah, those were some of the teachers in my era. Do you reckon Pelly and the Richardson’s were up to summery in that changing room? Remember Mr Green he used to teach my mam as well at the old Ardsley Oaks School. His preferred implement to punish with was the big wooden T Square
Definitely Pell and big Rich . Green was there a lifetime Ardsley/Kendray Oaks. Basted Earnshaw! What a Bully he was . nearly electricuted some of us .
I went there 76-81. Big and little Rich, Mr Holmes, Mrs Birkby, Miss Wade, Seabury. I was an Ardsley puff too. Went to Ardsley Oaks - loved it there.
I was there the year that it closed. That was a weird one. Only a couple teachers there all the time, the rest had already got jobs at other schools so came in just for their lessons (if they turned up). I’m sure it was around then they made a tv film using the school. My Kingdom for a horse it was called. Sean Bean was in it and that well proportioned bloke from Full Monty.
Ardsley poofs! 77-82 was my time at the Oaks...Mrs Birkby was my form teacher, French teacher and all time favourite teacher! Seabury was a clown, Miss Swift the aging eccentric English teacher who taught mi Dad n all she were that old! Mr Kent the headteacher....Christ on a bike what a set of misfits taught there, part from LB!
Ardsley proofs ? Never heard that phrase when I was there Ardsley Snobs yes lol If seemed all the Ardsleyers were in top classes Stairfooters in middle classes and all kendrayers in bottom classes lol
Now this one was rough - went there to play them at football when I was at St Helen's ( yes the roughians ) - must have been about 14 - went in to get changed and half of them were smoking. Never had has many threats during a game as well
Kendray Oaks - A bastion to the elite education of the day and guaranteed route to Oxford it was not!
I was there 83-86, before we moved out of Barnsley. Hated Mr Holmes. A fat, sadistic lovely person. Rest of the teachers were OK though...