The transaction has gone ahead and I have purchased his ticket for him. He has kindly given more than the ticket was worth, so I will be donating the proceeds to charity as we agreed. Lovely bloke and I hope he has a tremendous day in the best seats at Wembley... The ones with Barnsley fans in. Quick question though, does anyone know how long it is taking for them to send the e-tickets? It was a bit deflating for him to have to go away without his ticket and I want to get it to him as soon as possible, so he doesn't have to worry that I'm some dodgy character who's just taken his brass. @kirky boy
Its good to know there is always people to help out when in need, Mr Nutkins went the extra distance to help. got my ticket all i need now is a big smile on my face monday evening, top class gent thank you Terry.
Ive just sorted one for a family friend who was struggling to get one with this stupid system they had