At it again, making comments about the results of postal votes live on BBC TV which is clearly against electoral law. Should be a sackable offence.
Someone take her face and voice off of my tv screen. Every news bulletin up she pops. Like Dickie Bird at a free bar/lunch/buffet.
Probably waiting to see if it favours the tories to release this information before deciding whether to take action Also how does she know - I didnt think that information should be availlable to anyone other than those responsible for counting them - in fact I didnt even know they were counted in advance
They aren't (or shouldn't be) counted. They are verified as genuine (signature checked etc) then removed from the envelope, unfolded face down then placed in a locked ballot box to be counted with the other least in theory
She's obviously using illegal sources willing to break the law for her. I can see the BBC getting a huge fine for it which just further hurts the public. Should be made to pay everything herself the horrible, corrupt bitch. I'm told it's been investigated today due to the need to be seen as impartial before the polls open at 7am
She is an utter disgrace, I've just watched the video of it. Vile woman who I wouldn't piss on if she were on fire.
Just to add some info....seeing as Raab was pulled up for similar the other day (that was widely reported.....I don't think)
Thanks for posting and as everyone is pointing out this is a criminal offence - I await with not much hope to find out that stong action is being taken
Why slur Dickie Bird? Dont get the animosity towards him. He's a great ambassador for the town and has donated 10's of thousands of pounds of his own money to good causes like the chemo unit at BDGH and the Tiny Hearts appeal. Hes a fellow reds fan and has been a ST holder longer than most on here. So what if he gets invited to the odd celebrity bash, hes one of the few celebrities who hasn't forgotten their roots.
Another thing is, we would all go to a free booze & food fest if we were invited, I know I would. Dickie Bird is or8