I personally don't see any problem with a business using marketing methods in an attempt to sell their product. (Not suggesting you do either, but there does appear to be a move towards condemning the club for using such methods.)
Don't see a problem with that offer. However, if the suggested date for your chance to play is a Saturday afternoon at 3pm in late August you know the recruitment hasn't gone to plan.
I understand your point but wonder if it smacks a little of desperation? Also, I'm jealous as I can't play anymore (unless they allow walking sticks!)
I'd rather they'd have done some of this for this seasons ticket holders though. But as you point out, every sale needs to have some sort of offer attached to it nowadays.
It did make me wonder if the club might also do something that elderly/disabled supporters can enter.
Since most ST holders are past 50 and the ex players will be I assumed they are talking about walking football!
Genuine question not a dig, are you suggesting the club should not try to market season tickets & use a bit of initiative or enterprise ?
I think it points to a renewed focus on marketing and commercial. Something that's been sadly lacking at the club for years and years. I'd say it's a team in HQ being allowed to develop some creative and exciting ideas that a lot of supporters will love to get behind.
This would seem logical to me, almost as if it's the output of a brainstorming session at some point earlier in the year, which is probably why it feels like there's loads of them being used (e.g. play on Oakwell, matched grassroots donations, £135 refunds, etc). There's nothing particularly to criticise, but I don't think any of them individually would switch a non-renewal into a renewal based on the individual offer advertised. If I were renewing then all of these would be initiatives I'd happy to be involved with or have a chance of winning. Conversely, as a non-renewing ST holder, none of them come anywhere close to overcoming the fundamental issues that are causing me not to renew so they're not particularly relevant to me. I expect that those developing the offers know this too, but I'd be more surprised if they weren't trying to promote season ticket renewal by whatever means they have available to them.
Am tekkin a ball to Preston game and shall be attempting to get on the pitch at the end of the game and trying to score a penalty. I may not be alone.
This. In any other walk of life I totally detest offers made to 'new' customers that aren't available to long-standing 'existing' ones, particularly ones who the club are now pricing out of the market. So, whilst I have no problem with the substance of the opportunity itself, it's not going to affect my decision one jot. This new marketing approach seems to rely on FOMO rather than providing some real empathy and positive incentives to renew/buy such as removing/extending early bird or setting out a positive playing strategy for next season.
Not everything is about the initial redemptions or actions though. It might be enough of a reason to swing someone who's literally sitting on the fence, but those like yourself who need more than this won't be swayed. If you had a waterfall chart for how you get to your 11,000 then these would be levers within that, but not the only ones. However, what it does for the Summer and long term is give the marketing some great content to share. Supporters being on the pitch playing against each other and former players, in the dressing room, etc. The club supporting grass roots football in the local community. Supporters winning £135 refunds. It's all positive news to share, likeable content, and exactly what the club should have been doing for years. Everyone is so pessimistic about Khaled's ability as a CEO, but he's far more engaged in delivering something around the community aspect than Dane Murphy was. He talks about the football club in this way more than recent CEOs, and maybe it's his passion for that which is allowing the team under Andrew Clark to start delivering on some of their ideas? Marketing strategies don't start and end with the idea or offer. That tends to be just the beginning.
It's a winning team on the pitch that most fans want. I couldn't care less what happens before and after Kick-Off.
It'll be a fun afternoon. And a chance to say you've played on Oakwell alongside/against such as Jennings, Howard, Nardiello or Hassell etc. Hopefully more detail on the afternoon will be released after Easter.