Pardon my ignorance , but if the other shareholders are all but blaming these for the clubs current financial predicament could they effectively retrieve any money back or shares , or at least get Conway to payback the money he received while acting CEO and I mean acting
I reckon if they get Chien Lee on his own and have a word with him he could be a serious asset to the club. We need Conway out. Chien Lee is worth 9 billion on his own. Parekh isn't far behind. If they're willing to invest there's no reason we can't be a Premier League club if run properly. Even using the existing model. There has to be an end game. Otherwise what's the point in treading water. Thankfully season ticket holders have wised up. Hence the boardroom re-shuffle. In the pipe line for a while doesn't wash with me.
I'm not sure abaart that Ponty, I think Lee is part of the same 'virus' that's put us in this position. I know he dun't act like Conway and run his mouth etc, but I think we need shut off him as well, as soon as possible, because I don't think we're going to be able to ever separate them.
Lee isn’t worth that much. He was involved in 7 days inn at the initial IPO which may have generated a few tens/hundreds of million. He’d cashed out ahead of the major iPO which was worth billions. There was an article a few years ago where the major investor didn’t even recognise Lee as being involved to any significant degree. If he was worth billions do you really think he’d struggle to secure a majority stake holding in BFC on his own?
The whole billionaires quotes were based on the misnaming of Parekh and Lee being mega rich from. 7 days inn. Neither bore any scrutiny sadly. It’s a shame I took such stick at the outset for putting such info into the public domain, but I think history has told its own story.