Got slashed across the throat. The person responsible should be seeing prison. Anyone still doing tragedy chants should also get lifetime bans.
WTF, absolutely horrid, no need. What a ***** society we live in, the culprit needs a life long sentence.
Absolutely shocking. I cannot believe that in this day and age that so called fans feel that chanting about the death of other fans is acceptable and even more disgusted that fans feel the need to take and use knives. The victim is lucky that it was not life threatening
It's said 2 arrests have been made. The photo had kids *Norwich supporters) in the background too , horrendous to witness.
Just beyond my understanding, why a person would do this. Hopefully gets caught and does a hefty jail sentence. Just unreal.
Hes okay, got treated by a paramedic, no further treatment required, and i've heard 2 arrested a teenager and a bloke in his 50's.