“The reason we have the vaccine success is because of capitalism, because of greed my friends.” So said Boris Johnson to Tory back benchers on a Zoom call. Probably realising the clown mask had slipped he followed up with. “Actually, I regret saying that. Forget I said it.” A truly repulsive human being.
The contract with AZ arguably has some elements of capitalism and greed (which is probably what he means) but the roll-out is being performed by the NHS along with an army of volunteers. No capitalism and greed there....
When I came back on this board I said to myself that I was going to steer clear of political threads. Must. Resist.
Yet still, they'll vote for him. Greed made Britain 'Great', why not also defeat a virus? Those greedy nurses only worked so hard to try and rob the overtaxed with their extortionate pay demands, yanno.
In the same meeting he had a go at Starmer for living in Islington (he lives in his constituency in Camden). Boris Johnson lived in Islington until 2019 and his ex-wife and kids still live there....