Depends on my mood, weather, where I am who I’m with . As the song goes these are a FEW of my favourite things . At this moment it’s eating Strawberry’s
Laying on a quiet beach reading my kindle, snoozing every so often, odd snacks from beach bar and a mojito or cold beer
I don't know why, but my gaze is always drawn to what looks like her witches hat! Ever noticed that? ;-)
Edit - actually link blocked for some reason by work laptop nanny software fine on the phone and I should have known
Its getting annoying our USA IT admin team have really locked down sites they deem inappropriate so I cant now for example access sites that sell alcohol -eg Nakedwines, Waitrose Cellar Brewdog etc and Im pretty certain sites with "adult" content though I havent tried as it generates a log of blocked events and I am not sure if thats also sent to IT and Id rather not have to explain why I was trying them - quite what is wrong with a photo of Nurse Gladys I have no idea but I can now see "Access to location was blocked for user " if I check the log myself Just have to hope they never get round to blocking soccer sites as clearly I dont need them for work - except occasionaly on here I have had very helpful advice