I think he wants a fire sale, to heap more misery on the club. It's all doom and gloom you see, finishing the season on 86pts with the youngest side in the league.
Eh? Grow up Gord ya muppet. He was simply awful today. Are you still in the Chien Lee fan club? You still thinking the guy's a "billionaire"?!
I expect the club to put their best assets under long contracts. The ones we can sell on to make money on. I personally don't put Kitching in that bracket. Looks L1 at best. Most baffling contract extension since Victor.
Jesus H Christ, our fans coming to digital blows with each other after losing what was to all intents and purposes a friendly match.
Then supporters ripping the team and individuals to bits after what has been one of the best seasons in recent times considering where we were in the summer.
Getting back to Kitching.....the lad has had an excellent season. He's one of the main reasons we've finished so high.
Was going to be my next point. The usual suspects who also go into meltdown when we lose in pre-season or the Papa John's.
I think Kitching has largely been consistent this season and one of our better players, today was just an awful game for him.