I started late,28 to be precise in the process of getting a divorce my mate said lets go to the football it was a Tuesday night 27th March 1979 Halifax town at the Shay (we won 2-0 )that was it a season ticket holder ever since. At that time a season ticket was a little red book similar to the thoughts of Chairman Meou (that's for older fans) but much more important. Life and football go together ups...... and some very downs but we carry on. We meet and make life long friends who we only see at matches,there is nothing like going to an away game with your friends trying to get Radio De-Daa outside the ground in Cardiff or some long distance venue but it doesn't work. I have been lucky, lots of us have seen many promotions followed by dispare of relegation, Wembley visits Millenium Stadium these live in the memory, going with long gone relatives seeing young players flourish this is life with B.F.C.would I change it, the dispare at times, I don't think so. all I know is I will be at Oakwell for the Derby game and at Preston on Saturday and will renew my season ticket next year come what may .This is a mere blip in our history of B.F.C. Have Faith and COYR.
I've always said to enjoy the highs you've got to go through the lows. Contemplating stop going because we're having a poor spell never comes into the equation.
I've got the Missus trained now. So knows when the cap comes hurtling through the door with the words 'Nivver again!' it only means I won't be going again until the next game.
That’s what made the walks down Wembley way and the weekends away in the premiership so satisfying, the fact that you’ve paid your dues. I always enjoy seeing the smaller clubs fans on the tv having a good day out when they get a big game because the good times through football are there to be savoured. This will also be satisfying when we finish 19th this term
But you know it's gunna be alright n' there won't be a revolution either. If there's anymore destruction at left back you can count me out though