The embroidered type as in a shirt badge. Any ideas where I can get one? Looked on the club website and fleabay no luck. Did find these though. Very nice.
Maybe try etsy. That's the sort of thing you'd get on there. No good to you at the minute, but my mum once got one off Barnsley Market. She was turning an old work fleece into a Barnsley Jacket.
Wouldn't mind one of those snuff tins for Laura's Dad he's a Sheff Utd fan. He's given George his old snuff tin to play with.
It’s a boiled sweet tin.... you can still get them full from the club shop, I’m sure.... so you’d need to empty the spice first.
Spice lol,we went to Liverpool for weekend and got talking to a young couple from Hull and they got on about chip spice for fish and chips ,we said we had never heard of it but we love spice and they thought we meant drugs lol. No idea why we call sweets spice .
I bought 3 cloth BFC cloth badges off the Internet using this URL The cost of RM 15 equates to £2.72. They did however take a few weeks to arrive. Good quality and I sewn them on a couple of jackets and have one spare. Please see attached front and reverse photos.